the importance of art

"Tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music or theater classes in high school. Public high school should be about training young people to enter the workforce. Period."

In response to the quote, I highly disagree with the thought process behind the person who wrote this. I feel like this person didn't take into account the artistic career options and almost excluded these options from their vision of the "workforce". Not everyone is the same and has the same mindset for their ideal future, therefore, having a department of the arts in high school gives those a chance to express their creative talents. Regardless of where tax dollars go, public high schools still have a long way to go if they're suppose to be training young people to enter the workforce. Besides financial preparation, college is truly the place where younger people go to prepare for the workforce. Cutting the art departments funding would only do more harm than good for more creative driven students.

The art department gives teenagers a place to experiment with different types of art and expression with the already little funding some schools are provided with. If art weren't such a vital addition to public high schools then some might not see the issue with not using tax dollars on it. Although not everyone is creatively-inclined for some that is there only option. Not to mention the friendly environment art related classrooms can provide. If high school was strictly for training young minds for the future then schools would also see a need to cut electives because that wouldn't be something useful in the future since it's mostly for a graduation requirement. Overall many can come to the conclusion that tax dollars funding art departments is not a waste and helps those who are interested in a creatively demanding career by giving them the place to experiment.


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